The sexiest things you will find in deep space, are ofcourse the spaceships. And this model is one of our favorites. It features 4 engines, and each engine is bidirectional. The mpeg movie shows the flame effects that are created with particle systems.
The gunturrets try to predict the path of the target, so they will fire exactly at a stationary target, but they will fire in front of it when the target moves forward, and behind the target, if the target moves backwards. This gives them a reasonable hit-chance on moving targets.
Space vessels equipped with tractor beams are capable of pulling in cargo or abandoned ships. The inertia of the cargo undergoes spring forces.
This mpeg movie shows a vessel that boards a spacestation.
The most fun while cruising in deep space is to be had by customizing your vessel, and to own the coolest set of engines in your neighbourhood. It just feels good when your ship has a flashier paint job, better engines, stronger tractorbeams and faster firing energy guns than that piece of crap that your neighbour flies in. Well, this movie shows a pilot showing off the brand new equipment that he recently had installed by his ship dealer. Ofcourse, it's nothing compared to the hand-made sports model that you will fly in someday.
This is what happens when you accidentally drop a shuttle carrier on a floor.