To the Dark Side.

Sat 24 August 2013
By Bram

I've been eschewing Microsoft for a long time now. I'm in and in a UNIX guy, and despise the horrible practices of Microsoft, in what they do to standards. Also I have been totally unimpressed by the quality of their Operating Systems. So why did I buy a copy of Windows 7 today? Well, PC gaming is alive and kicking, so I want to see if I can get my hit game The Little Crane That Could to the Windows platform. Here are my trials and tribulations of installing Windows7 on a 2007 Mac Mini.

When installing 64 bit Windows on a Mac Mini, you get greeted by a cryptic message. "Select CD-ROM boot type". Whatever option you choose, 1 or 2, nothing happens. The machine is just frozen. It turns out you need to burn a new copy of your Windows installation DVD with some special options. More info on

Using iPads and OSX a lot, I can now only use a mouse with "Natural Scrolling." Getting natural scrolling to work involves touching the murkiest and most vile part of the Windows Operating System: the Registry. For expert users only.

After installation, audio is not working. The driver CD that Boot Camp created does not seem to be any help with it. I still have to find a solution for this.

First order of business was to get some development going. After downloading Visual Studio Express, git, cmake and make, I was able to build GLFW3 from sources in the git repo.

UPDATE I had to reinstall windows after buying a new computer. Here are some issues to consider:

  • When building gl3w, you first need to install python2.7
  • When building glfw, you first need to install cmake.
  • To build glfw, make sure you run vcallvars.bat from the Visual Studio program. Then you can run 'cmake .' followed by 'nmake'
  • IE is super slow, and so is chrome. I fixed the slow chrome by unselecting all proxy options in the network settings.